KPNQwest/Ebone info

This page contains a few links to websites related to the KPNQwest/Ebone disaster. I am not related to Ebone or KPNQwest, with the exception that I am working for one of their customers.
This is only to show my support to the Ebone Noc!

Join the #ebone IRC channel (

Links to news sites

Local Archive of the Forum from and for Ebone employees

(More archives of websites which are no longer reachable can be found further down)

Latest updates (chronological order):

Updates to Customers

Rumours, coming from different ressources:

GTS security fraud Case

Links to webpages from and about the Ebone Noc people:

Since not all of these websites are still reachable, I added local archives for some of them

Some pictures grabbed from the NOC Webcam, Mike Hellers, Last Update 21/july/2002

Visitors since 06/june/2002: